• Combined conceptional and implementation strengths - pragmatically acting and goal-oriented to success


Name: Alexander Käppler
Year of birth and city 1977, Berlin
Address: Ruhrstr. 10/1, 70374 Stuttgart
Mobil: (+49) 173–244 57 92
Email: kaeppler@conmasys.de

Senior Digital Strategy Consultant with almost 10 years of experience in creating digital and online business concepts, consulting companies in their process of digital transformation with deep knowledge of several retail branches, as well as hands-on implementation of innovative ideas from concept to useable online product.

Key Accomplishments

Creation and implementation of digital and online business concepts

  • Created digital business concepts and supported during the process of implementation
  • Managed and executed a pragmatic and efficient requirements engineering
  • Steered implementation-partners and co-workers as project leader
  • Coached and trained a lot of different companies of different branches with different levels of complexity (consumer electronics, telecommunications, retail, outdoor, sports and more)
  • Evaluated methodically and pragmatically different markets to gain the best strategic opportunity for clients
  • Developed a high degree of responsibility for human resources and business values
  • Increased knowledge of developing web-applications and web-technology by programming and realizing innovative business concepts in my spare time


elaboratum GmbH, consultancy, Munich, 2010 – present

  • Developed concepts for digital transformation of several German furniture selling companies and commercial chains
  • Strategic consulting for companies of several retail branches to optimize their business development, deep branch knowledge in the following branches:
    • Book-Selling and -publishing
    • Consumer electronics
    • Telecommunication
    • Fashion Retail
    • Sports and Outdoor-Fashion
    • Shoes
    • Further more
  • Created several concepts for Web-Shops and supported more than 30 companies during the implementation process of e-commerce business models and software
  • Trainer and Coach for small and medium companies, supported their own business development process
  • Trainer for large retail groupings, coaching and teaching their members in almost all kinds of E-Commerce knowledge, as well as corporate management
  • Trainer for the BEVH-certified E-Commerce Manager course for the modules “IT, technology, processes” and “Online Marketing with focus on search engines, affiliate marketing and customer based marketing”
  • Speaker at large e-commerce- and multichannel-commerce congresses. Key topics are “local online marketing”, “multi- and cross-channel retail”, “search engine marketing”

adtraffic GmbH, Munich, Internship while studying, 03/2009 – 09/2009

  • Introduced the project management method SCRUM
  • Analyzed the internal AdWords-Campaign Management Tool and coordinated/ guided the software development-team in Croatia
  • Installed a virtual server architecture for test- and subsystems based on Debian Linux and VMWare

Tradedoubler AG, Internship while studying, 09/2007 – 02/2008

  • Supported customers having trouble with the TD Toolbox Affiliate Marketing System (internal multi-account ad-serving system)
  • Helped fixing several bugs within the Affiliate Tracking- and Management-Systems
  • Analyzed websites and products for customers to find relevant publishing partners or business opportunities

Self-Employment since 2009 (spare time), Munich

  • Conception of several business models, creating of prototypes and implementation of business models generating revenue
  • Online examples (German language)
    • http://refugees-germany.de
    • http://roboter-testportal.de
    • http://smartviewer.de
    • http://spotvertising.de
    • Some more
  • Online Marketing/ local Online-Marketing and Website-Implementation for small business companies

German Air Force, 1995 – 2005

  • Military air traffic control, guided military aircrafts by voice trough public airspace to reach any desired mission goal
  • Was stationed in different countries for exercises, like France, Italy, Poland, Germany, Canada



  • Training and Handling of Wireframing and Conception-Tool Axure, Munich, Germany

University of applied sciences, Hochschule München

  • BSC Business informatics, Munich, Germany
  • UNICERT III, English, Munich, Germany
  • PHP, JS, HTML, jQuery, MySQL, JAVA, Munich, Germany


  • Microsoft Certified Professional, Munich, Germany
  • Balsamique, Wireframing, Munich, Germany
  • WordPress, Blog-Software, Munich, Germany
  • Shopware, OXID, Magento, Munich, Germany

Airforce academy

  • Advanced English Course (SLP 3332), Fürstenfeldbruck, Germany

High School “Otto Lilienthal”

  • Graduation A-Level, Neubrandenburg, Germany


Jogging (2x half-marathon finisher), martial arts self-defense (jiu-jitsu), family (3 kids and a wonderful wife), internet and development of new ideas as web-application or native app, reading and listening to music.